Products & Services

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Tantalum Repair Kit

By its nature of high corrosion resistance, tantalum is widely used in the chemical (pharmaceutical or pharma, specialty chemical & dyes) engineering field.

There are certain economical considerations which forces the industry to look into glass which is similar to tantalum , by its corrosion resistant property.

Though glass plays the role of tantalum in certain areas, tantalum has got the market by it's excellent mechanical and metal property and by the way of arresting the breakages / leaks of the glass equipments (using tantalum repair kit) due to it's own property.

Based on the intensity of the crack developed in the glass lining, TiTaN adopts various methods of repairing by using the wide range of tantalum repair kits like

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Caustic Fusion Accessories

TiTaN's Nickel Fusion Spares are most commonly used for converting 55% Concentrated Caustic Lye into 98% concentrated Flakes. TiTaN fabricates caustic accessories for ; caustic lye - concentration - nickel concentration-intermediate storage ; nickel Pre-Concentration ~ lye pumping, Falling Film Evaporation; concentrator Tubes; Nickel Tray. Then Nickel vapour duct (separators)

All our caustic chlorine plant (chlor alkali plant) flaking accessories are made of

nickel 200 (Ni 200)
low carbon nickel 201 (low carbon Ni 201)

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TiTaN manufactures a large, extensive range of special fasteners including nuts, bolts, socket products, studbolts and washers and our fixings are suitable for use within a variety of manufacturing processes.

TiTaN's Fasteners with significant advantages in environments of extreme temperature, pressure and corrosion are extensively used in adverse application, where corrosion, creep, heat resistance and strength are often vital factors.

About Us * Advanced Water Treatment * Anode Baskets (Titanium) * Batch Chlorinators * Blowers * Cathodic Protection * Caustic Fusion Accessories * Caustic Recovery Machinery * Centrifugal Pumps In Non Corrosive Metals * Chemical Dosing Pumps * Chlor Alkali Technology * Close Coupled Pumps * Coils Titanium Coils * Columns And Towers * Commercial Salt Water Pool Chlorinator * Condensers * Continuous Electro De Ionization Cell * Dimensionally Stable Anodes * Effluent Treatment Plant * Electro Oxidation Cell * Electrolyzers * Electroplating * Electroplating Jigs And Racks * Electroplating Titanium Baskets * Fasteners * Fluid Dynamics * Gravure Cylinder And Roller Chrome Plating * Heat Exchangers * Heater Titanium Heaters * Heaters Titanium Heaters * Heating Cooling Immersion Coils * High Strength Hypo Bleach Plant * Hygienic Pumps For Pharmaceuticals * Hypopac Concentric Tubular Cell * Industrial Pumps * Klorogen Bw Ship Ballast Water Cell * Klorogen Parallel Plate Electrolyzer * Marine Growth Prevention System * Mini Chlor Alkali Plant * Mixed Metal Oxide Iccp Anode * Mobile Chlorine Generators * Mother Liquor Pre Heater * Onsite Hypochlorite Generating Systems * Onsite Hypochlorite Generator * Pipes And Pipefittings * Plating Titanium Baskets * Platinised I. C. C. P Anodes * Platinized Niobium Metal Anodes * Platinized Titanium Metal Anodes * Pressure Vessels * Process Cooling Water Treatment System * Reaction Vessels * Reactors * S. S. Vessels * Seawater Chlorination Systems * Sewage Treatment System Domestic * Ship Ballast Water Treatment System * Special Metal Electrodes * Special Products * Strirage Vessels * Tailor Made Equipments * Tantalum Repair Kit * Titanium Basket * Titanium Baskets * Titanium Coils * Titanium Heater * Titanium Heaters * Titanium Heaters Baskets Coils * Vacuum Pumps * Valves * Coil (Titanium Coils) * Electroplating (Titanium Products) * Baskets (Titanium Baskets) * Metal Finishing (Titanium Products) * Heating Coils (Titanium Heating Coils) * Plating (Titanium Products) * Drum Filter * Injection Solution Kettle * Chemical Plants (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Air Receiver * Chemical Plants * Chemical Machinery (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Chemical Process Plants * Hydro Cyclone * After Cooler * Caustic Recovery Plant * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Reactor Vessels * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Sterile Reactor * Ss Tank (Chemical Plants) * Ss Tank (Chemical Machinery) * Vacuum Receiver * Refrigerated Air Dryer